Education Programme

Achievement for All (AfA)  works in partnership with early years settings, schools and colleges, improving outcomes for all children and young people vulnerable to underachievement regardless of background, challenge or need.

Founded in 2011 the mission of AfA is to close the unacceptable gaps at every level of the education system. With many schools and colleges unable to provide much-needed extra support on their own AfA exists to offer a range of programmes proven to help children and young people fulfil their potential.

During 2017 AfA’s three-year pilot programme, ‘Achieving Further’ was completed in 22 colleges. It resulted in a proven evidence-based coaching programme aimed at tackling the challenges faced by many young people. Achieving Further has been specially adapted to benefit all vulnerable learners. In close partnership with the learner, staff, families, employers and community bodies, AfA work to improve independence, social and employability skills leading to better qualifications and employment outcomes.

Please watch the video below and also visit their website to find out more about Achievement for All.

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Take a look at the Achievement for All video.

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Future Funding

Having supported a broad range of inspiring and transformational projects over the Foundation’s 30 year history, the Trustees decided to embark upon a strategic review to ensure our grants were having the greatest impact. In 2020 we completed an intensive eight month programme led by Ten Years’ Time and we’re thrilled to be focussing all our efforts now on building Youth Power and Leadership with some fantastic partners.

An image of a group of photos in a line representing various grants by the Ellis Campbell Foundation helping disadvantaged young people in Hampshire, London and Perthshire